Overview opening hours in Poland
In Poland, many stores such as shopping centers have not been open on Sundays for several years. The conservative government has severely restricted Sunday opening hours in the Catholic country
Opening hours supermarkets in Krakow
Most grocery stores in Poland are open between 7 am and about 7 pm. Larger stores are also open until 9 or 10 pm. On Sunday, many supermarkets in Krakow and throughout Poland are now closed, and some are open. This applies to international chains such as Lidl, Netto and Kaufland, as well as local chains and individual stores.
However, there are many small stores that sell food and beverages. These are open longer, often 7 days a week until midnight or even 23 or 24 hours a day. There are very many such small stores, a large part are from the chain Zabka. These stores are small, but have a lot of things and are cheap. Most Zabka stores in Krakow also sell hot dogs and the like. However, a large part of the sales are drinks. Water, soft drinks like cola, beer, wine and liquor. Cookies, sweets, sausage, milk and fresh bread and others are also available at Zabka and Co. on Sundays and holidays in Poland.
Other stores opening hours Poland
Stores for clothing and shoes have similar opening hours as in Germany, usually closed on Sunday. Stores selling souvenirs and bakeries etc. are open on Sundays.
Opening hours restaurants and cafes
There are hardly any legal restrictions here. The gastronomy in Poland opens when the owners want or when it is worthwhile. Everything is similar to Germany. Quite a few restaurants close quite early in Krakow, for example at 10 pm. Mc Donalds and Co. are sometimes open all night. This also applies to some snack bars like Kebab. Days off are rather rare in downtown Krakow.
Opening hours museums Krakow
The major sights and museums in Krakow usually do not have a weekday as a day of rest. However, some are closed one day a month, usually on a Monday or service day. Churches may not open to tourists until the afternoon because of church services on Sunday. Smaller museums and the like are not infrequently closed on Mondays, as is common internationally, even in Poland,